
2010년 7월 29일 목요일

cinema Flaneur - Day 4

29 July 2010, Thursday

we've chosen the topic so, all we need to do is design and modeling our idea. we've think to tied up as bag and place two cameras which one is irhgt way and the other one is upside down. this should well'explain about our main idea: reverse world. also, we place a belt around the stomach to make sure that the camera won't move.

2010년 7월 26일 월요일

cinema Flaneur - Day 3 main idea

26 July 2010, Monday

We've finally choose the main idea. our idea is a reverse world. The idea that we’re going to represent is the perception of two separate worlds in a single. This concept originated from the idea that every human is born into the world viewing it upside down. But as we accustom to the dark, we accustomed to the light of the world as it reflected images through our eyes right side up.If the world was never reflected the right side up would anything be any different? Or simply… Would a reverse world become the norm and a world the right side up be the exception?..

This is why we represented two images of the same world with different views, using the concept of mirror imaging and reflection.

2010년 7월 22일 목요일

Cinema Flaneur - Day 2

22 July 2010, Thursday

today, I've been in the 3-d Lab. this place is where we going to make our design. there are so much tools we can use. however, this place is not big as other workshop, so this place can only allow 2 people fabricator and fabricator assistance. I was look all the tools and think which tools are we going to use it. I was thinking that we going to have a meeting when I came to the studio but, only I attend that day. so, I leave it and discuss tomorrow. our team member is : Robin They, Moke Xu, Jack Yang, and Daniel Lee(me). also, they have each roles of this project.

Robin They: Cad

Moke Xu: Operator

Jack Yang: Fabricator assisstance

Daniel Lee(me): Fabricator

2010년 7월 21일 수요일

Cinema Flaneur - Day 1

21 July 2010, Wednesday

today We came here to introduce and discuss what we've thinking in the night. there are various ideas have come. we decide to making a railway and put camera opposite sideway to perform different angle. in this design, we still thinking about making a bag to tied up to the shoulder. and another way is that make as a kart to roll it. kart is way easier because is has a shell in front of kart so, it is easy to carry around and easy to capture any video.

we learned about solid work. this program is that it helps to design our model in rule 3-d shape. the program is quite a complicate to work on. but, we will do our best.