We started the new project called 'Serious Fun'. and the topic is 'The Interaction'. the interaction is the action which interact two or more objects have an effect upon one another. The Things we goind to do before it start is:
1. Project Team: Work in project teams up to 4 people.
2. breif: Make an artwork in which the audience playfully interacts with the content to reveal "meaning".
3. Name your group.
4. Make an separate role(such as who is the programmer and who is the idea creater and so on).
- The groups of our team:
* Tyrone Tangata-Makiri
* Jack Yang
* Robin Tey
* Daniel Lee(me).
- Name our group : Modern.
- Separate role
* Tyrone = Interaction Designer
* Robin = Creative Director
* Jack = Researcher and ideas man
* Daniel = Programmer
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