
2010년 3월 22일 월요일

Project 1 - Lego (4)

Steps of making:

1. Start of the basement of the machine:
- if the basement is too weak, the machine will broken. the reason is that it cannot hold 2 NXT and the other accessary.

2. putting the spinning sweeper:
- installed it before continue making the machine. it won't going to fit after making the machine.

3. check the half way through:
- checked it if it's anything wrong.

4. install the NXTs at the top of the machine.
- the 2 NXT makes the machine moves more easier. the basement need to make strong to hold the 2 heavy NXTs.

5. Install everything:
- now, installed ultrasonic and sound sensor and ready to making the program.

* in this project, things that I've learned is that improve my creativity to focus on this machine. and think how to make the robot moves and drawing perfectly without any error occurs.

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